Geri Dön

Curriculum Vitae

Updated by 07/12/2014

1.       Personal information

Name and surname:


Academic title

Prof. of Public Health, MD, MSc

Date of birth:


Place of birth:

Mut (Mersin-TURKEY)



2.       Institutional background





Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine

Resident, MD.


Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine

Public Health Specialist, MD


Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine

Lecturer of Public Health


Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine

Assistant Prof. of Public Health


Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine

Assoc Prof. of Public Health


Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine

Prof. of Public Health




3.       Educational background

School info/degree



Primary School

Mut Gazi Primary School, İçel

Mersin Çankaya Primary School, İçel


Secondary and High School


İçel Anatolian High School, Mersin, Turkey

Language of instruction is English


MD degree, Medical Faculty

Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey


Residency, Public Health

Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Public Health, Ankara, Turkey


MSc degree on Community Nutrition and Food Sciences

Hacettepe University, Health Sciences Institution, Ankara, Turkey




4.       Administrative background

Name of duty


Duration of work

Phase III Head of Committee nb. 309

Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine


Executive Board Member

Ankara Chamber of Medicine


Executive Board Member

Turkish Medical Association, Medical Specialists' Coordination



Executive Board Member, General Secretary

Turkish Medical Association, Medical Specialists' Coordination



Executive Board Member, General Secretary

Turkish Medical Association, Medical Specialists' Coordination

National Board of Proficiency


Executive Board Member

Turkish Geriatrics Society


Executive Board Member, General Secretary

Turkish Geriatrics Society


Executive Board Member

Hacettepe University, Social Responsibility Research and Implementation Center (HUSSAM)


Executive Board Member

National Coalition on Tobacco OR Health


Executive Board Member

Hacettepe Academicians' Society



5.       Major study topics /areas

ü  Community nutrition

ü  Ageing

ü  International health

ü  Tobacco control


6.       Selected training activities (currently)


ü  Trainer of medical students' phase I , II, III, VI public health classes (community nutrition, international health, health promotion and education, tobacco control, ageing)

ü  Consultant and trainer of medical students' phase VI field research practices(health promotion and education, elderly health)

ü  Trainer of medical students' phase II and III, selective public health classes (community nutrition, international health, tobacco control)

ü  Conducting Ageing and Women class (Hacettepe University, Institute of Social Sciences, Women's Issues Masters Program)

ü  Trainer of residents' postgraduate training of public health (international health, tobacco control, health promotion and education, community nutrition)

ü  Trainer at various certificated programs (training of the trainers' program on various disciplines, elderly health, tobacco control)


7.       Selected projects  

1.       Participant of a project (researcher) entitled "A Research On Health and Psycho-Social Awareness of Women Living in Sincan-Saraycik Village (Ankara'da Yoksulluk Sınırındaki Sincan-Saraycık Kadınlarına Sağlık Ve Sosyal Psikolojik Farkındalık Kazandırmaya Yönelik Uygulamalı Bir Araştırma), supported by Hacettepe University Research Office. The project was completed in 2007 (PROJECT NO: 0501701001). COMPLETED.

2.        Extension of Smoke-Free Public Places and Workplaces, and Strenghtening Anti-Tobacco Policies in Turkey. Bloomberg Initiative, World Health Organization, Ministry of Health, Public Health Specialists' Society collaboration (Worked as a researcher) (International). COMPLETED.

3.        Mobilizing the Community to Adopt and Support the Smoke-Free Legistlation in Turkey. Bloomberg Inıtiaitve (Public Health Specialists' Society-Turkish Thoracic Society Collaboration, Worked as a cosultant ) ) (International). COMPLETED.

4.        Participant of a project as a researcher entitled "Determination of Socio-demographic Characteristics and Healthy Life Behaviors and Prevention of Smoking Habits of the Students at Two Faculties and Vocational Schools at Hacettepe University" The project has been funded by Hacettepe University Research Office. (project nb. 05 01 106 001) (2006-2010). COMPLETED.

5.        Turhan Ö, Ahmed F, Aslan D, Erişgen g, Çakır B, Şengelen M, Yıldız AN. Önlenebilir, bir sorun: Hekime yönelik şiddet, Araştırmalardan Yararlanılan Değerlendirmeler ve Çözüm Önerileri. Türk Tabipleri Birliği Yayınları, Haziran 2014, Ankara, ISBN 978-605-5867-83-6. Accessed:7.12.2014. COMPLETED.

6.        INPROFOOD "towards sustainable food research", ( Funded by European Union-FP-7 Yeğenoğlu S, Aslan D, Büken NÖ. (Researcher). The project started in 2011 and ended in 2014 (October). COMPLETED.

7.        Responsible researcher of the study entitled "An Intervention Study on Supporting Healthy Life via Adequate and Balance Dieting, Regular Physical Exercising and Prevention from Passive Smoking among the 5th graders of Beytepe-Çankaya Secondary High School. ONGOING PROJECT since 2013.

8.        Coordinator of a project entitled Improvement of Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Department of Public Health Web Site to be Used Effectively supported by Hacettepe University Scientific Research Coordination Unit; Education Technology Imrovement Support Projects (Project nb.1332). Proje Yütürücüsü. (Metin BC, Pişkin TM, Keskin C, other researchers) (Accepted in 2014). ONGOING PROJECT.



8.       Selected publications (15 at most)

1.      Hodoglugil NNS, Aslan D, Bertan M. Intrauterine device and some issues related to sexually transmitted disease screening and occurrence. Contraception 2000;61:359-64.

2.      Aslan D, Özcebe H, Bertan M, Karaağaoğlu E. A capture-recapture trial on fertility and mortality in a rural district, Turkey. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 2004;10(1/2):56-63.

3.      Aslan D, Altıntaş H, Emri S, Cesuroğlu T, Kotan O, Koyuncu S, Malçok O, Meral A, Özcan A, Sarınç S. Self-evaluations of tuberculosis patients about their illnesses at Ankara Atatürk Sanatorium Training and Research Hospital, Turkey Respir Med 2004 Jul;98(7):626-31.

4.      Aslan D, Şahin A. Adolescent peers and anti-smoking activities. IUPHE Promotion & Education 2007;XIV(1):36-40.

5.      Aslan D, Özcebe H, Temel F, Takmaz S, Topatan S, Şahin A, Arıkan M, Tanrıverdi M. What influences physical activity among elders? A Turkish experience from Ankara, Turkey. Arch Gerontol Geriatr 2008;46(1):79-88.

6.      Aslan D, Altin Z, Beydag N, Hatipoğlu C. Does employment status influence obesity prevalence among females? A comparative study from Ankara, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences 2009;39(5):701-07.

7.      Kutsal Y, Kabaroğlu C, Aslan D. Biogerontology in Turkey. Biogerontology 2011 Feb;12(1):83-6.

8.      Calgan Z, Aslan D, Yegenoglu S. Community pharmacists' burnout levels and related factors: an example from Turkey.Int J Clin Pharm 2011 Feb;33(1):92-100.

9.      Yegenoglu S, Aslan D, Sozen B. Is there an improvement on the Web sites of the national and international pharmaceutical companies in Turkey? A follow-up study. Telemed J E Health 2012;18(3):238-43.

10.  Aslan D.  Digital ageing ! Is it an issue of Turkey? Turkish Journal of Geriatrics 2013;16(3):i-ii.

11.  Aslan D, Gökçe-Kutsal Y, Kanuncu S. Are physcians healthy when they are aged and retired? A survey of the Ankara Chamber of Medicine and the Turkish Journal of Geriatrics. The Journal of Frailty and Aging 2013;2(2):90-2.

12.  Bajin MD, Bayen A, Duque AS, Aslan D, Cruz-Jentoft AJ. The same patient in various european countries Assessment and management of hearing loss in older people in Belgium, Portugal and Turkey. European Geriatric Medicine 2014;5:336–341.

13.  Aslan D, Şengelen M, Çağatay P. Factors related to smoking status of pregnant women aged 15-49 in Turkey (Türkiye'de 15-49 Yaş Gebe Kadınlar Arasında Sigara İçme Durumunu Etkileyen Faktörler). Turk Toraks Derg 2014;15:27-32.

14.  Koç E, Aslan D. A survey on public reaction to the establishment of a smoke-free zone in a hospital garden. Turkish Thoracic Journal 0ctober 2014;15(4):162-7. DOI:10.5152/ttd.2014.3968. [Internet]: Accessed:7.12.2014.

15.  Aslan D, Daymaz D, Gürsoy N, Kartal G, Yavuz M. Status of exposure to second-hand smoke at home in children under five years of age: An example from Ankara province
Turkish Thoracic Journal. DOI:10.5152/ttd.2014.4180. [Internet]: Accessed:7.12.2014.


9.       Ongoing membership(s) to any national/international organizations

ü  Member of Chamber of Turkish Medical Association, Ankara (Branch of Turkish Medical Association)

ü  Member of Society of Public Health Specialists of Turkey

ü  Member of Turkish Geriatrics Society

ü  Member of Society for Medical Ethics and Law (Turkey)

ü  Member of Hacettepe Academicians' Society

ü  Member of Health Institution Society


10.   Other issues to be declared

