Geri Dön

Curriculum Vitae

Updated by 08/12/2014


1.       Personal information

Name and surname:

Nüket Paksoy Erbaydar

Academic title:

Assoc. Prof.

Date of birth:


Place of birth:

K.Maraş, Turkey




2.       Institutional Background





Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health Afyon/Bolvadin Primary Health Center No. 1.

General practitioner


Republic of Turkey Ministry of Labour and Social Security Social Insurance Institution Ankara Ulucanlar Dispensary

General practitioner


Republic of Turkey Ministry of Labour and Social Security Social Insurance Institution Ankara Dışkapı  Training and Research Hospital, Department of Chest Diseases



Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Public Health



Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Public Health



Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Public Health


01.06-31.10. 2005

WHO Office for Europe, Copenhagen, Denmark (by secondment)

WHO Officer


"Turkish Parlimentry Commission for Investigation on Honor killings, Violence Against Woman, and Violence Against Child"



Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Public Health

Assist. Prof.


Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Public Health

Assoc. Prof.







3.       Educational background






Gazi University, Ankara

Faculty of Medicine



Hacettepe University, Ankara

Public Health

Specialization  on Medicine


Ankara University

Institute of Health Sciences Interdisciplinary Social Psychiatry

Master of Science


Ankara University

Institute of Social Sciences Interdisciplinary Woman Studies

Master of Science


4.       Administrative background




5.       Major study topics /areas

ü  Community mental Health

ü  Violence Prevention

ü  Women Health

ü  Chronic Diseases



6.       Selected training activities

Hacettepe University Institute of Social Sciences Gender and Women Studies Master Program

Gender and Violence Course

Hacettepe University Institute of Public Health Reproductive Health Services in Crisis and Disaster Situations Course

Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Phase III

Gender and Health Elective Course


7.       Selected project information

1.      Researcher in "Determination Study of Mental Health Status and Drug Abuse of Hacettepe University Students". (The Project of Hacettepe University Scientific Researches Center No: 0302101004) (2004-2005).

2.      Trainer in a program entitled as "Women for Women" MATRA (Middle East and Europe Social Transformation Program); conducting by the financial support of Ministry of Netherland Foreign Affairs. The proect sites are NEHEM from Netherland and  Çağdaş Kadın ve Gençlik Vakfı from Turkey (2004-2007).

3.      Combating Domestic Violence against Women Project.  The project was carried out by Directorate of Status of Woman with UNFPA technical support and Eupoean Commsion financial support. Counsellor for Action Plan for Domestic Violence Against Women (2007-2008).

4.      Principal investigator of a project "Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial of Two Implantable Contraceptives for Women, Jadelle and Implanon (Turkey)". Thetechnical and financal support by WHO, technical support by Family Health International (FHI, USA) and CREP (Argentina) (Project ID Number: A15229). (2003-2013).

5.      Consultant-trainer in "Prevention of Discrimination and Violence Against Women "Project. (The project of Amnesty International Turkey Branch in collaboration with Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Religious Affairs.) (2005-2011)

6.      Trainer in "Working with Violence Perpetrators" Project. (The Project has been carrying by SABEV in collaboration with Government of Ankara and Ministry of Family and Social Affairs) (2013-)





8.       Selected publications (15 at most)

1.    N. Paksoy Erbaydar, N. Cilingiroğlu, "Chronic pain and depression: A descriptive survey among adult primary health care center patients", Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences , Cilt (40)5707-714.,  pp., 2010. (SCI-Exp)

2.    N. Paksoy Erbaydar, N. Cilingiroğlu, "Chronic pain and depression: A descriptive survey among adult primary health care center patients", Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences , Cilt (40)5707-714.,  pp., 2010. (SCI-Exp)

3.    N. Paksoy Erbaydar, N. Bilir, L. H. Özcebe, S. Vaizoğlu, D. Aslan, "Evaluation of health-related quality of life of women  living in a city center in the east of Turkey", Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences (ISI) , Cilt 41(7)307-316 pp., 2011. (SCI-Exp)

4. Meirik, V. Brache, K. Orawan, N. Abu Habib, J. Schmidt, N. Ortayli,  K. Culwell, E. Jackson, M. Ali, The WHO study group on contraceptive implants for women*. "A multicenter randomized clinical trial of one-rod etonogestrel and two-rod levonorgestrel contraceptive implants with nonrandomized copper-IUD controls: methodology and insertion data". Contraception, Cilt 87(1), 113–120 pp., 2013** (SCI)

*WHO study group on contraceptive implants for women:

Investigators: Luis Bahamondes, Maria Valeria Bahamondes, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, Brazil; Rebeca Massai, Juan Carlos Montero, Dr. Claudio Villarroel, Instituto Chileno de Medicina Reproductiva (ICMER), Santiago, Chile; Vivian Brache, PROFAMILIA, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic; Laszlo Kovacs, Attila Pal, Sandor Koloszar, Albert Szent-Gyorgi Medical University, Szeged, Hungary; Kiriwat Orawan, Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand; Ayse Akin, Nüket Paksoy Erbaydar, Türküler Erdost, Güldali Aybaş, Sinan Beksac, HacettepeUniversity Medical School, Ankara; Berna Dilbaz, Ali Haberal, Cuma Kurttekin, Emine Giray, Etlik Maternity and Gynecological Training Hospital, Ankara; Hale Aktün, Leyla Mollamahmutoglu, Erdoğan Tümay, Ayşe Evran, Zekai Tahir Burak Maternity Hospital, Ankara, Turkey; Jonathan Kasule, Tsungai Chipato, University Hospital of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe.**

5. N. Paksoy Erbaydar, O Çaman Karadag, N. Cilingiroğlu. How do municipality employees in Ankara approach persons with disabilities? Disability and Health Journal Cilt 6(4)391-398 pp., 2013 (SSCI)




9.       Membership to any national/international organizations

ü  Member of Chamber of Turkish Medical Association, Ankara

ü  Member of Turkish Public Health Association

ü  The Executive Board Member of Society of Public Health Specialists of Turkey (2001-2006)

ü  Member of Public Health Association of Turkey (T-HASAK)

ü  Representative of  T-HASAK in World Federation of Public Health Association General Assembly (San Francisco-USA 2001; Brighton-UK 2004)

ü  Member of Turkish Medical Association/Chamber of Women Physicians

ü  Member of  Social Psychiatry Association

ü  Member of Prevention of Suicide Association

ü  Member of Contraception and Family Planning Association

